those guys on TV, those normal dudes from Idaho that won the lottery, or the American Idol that's sitting in front of 10,000 people realizing a dream, they are actually right. My cynicism was off...pretty much (caveat) anything is possible, and the only super limiting thing is your own boundaries you set.
I know what you're thinking. Really? It took this guy that long to figure that out? I've heard this a thousand times, and although I like to think I've done some cool things, they have all been in the 'safe' harbor...the harbor where it's fun, but you don't really put yourself out there to fail. Ask yourself if you don't believe me...when's the last time you did something outside your comfort level? something that you otherwise thought you'd never be able to do?
Example (small). A year or so ago, I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool to film in Saint Rocke and get big artists that normally wouldnt play a 300 cap room? Pipe dream. A year later...Pepper, Bush, Amos Lee. Fuckin rad artists playing this tiny little room. And so I started thinking bigger and bigger. and bigger. And I realized that Johnny Ohio & Mindy Wisconsin were right, as I was watching American Idol last night (yeah, I watch) and the people crying before they did their song because they wanted it so bad.
So, on this thursday, a little pep talk. 2011. Kill it. Dont take no for an answer. I'm not....