Every room was jam packed. The vibe was on point. I was super impressed with the performances by Simpkin Project, Fortunate Youth, and Seedless. They just keep getting better and better. So awesome. Love those guys! Jah!
But the true stars of the night were Tomorrows Bad Seeds. Not just for their high-energy/versatile set, wild light show, and dynamic stage presence....what set them apart, in my mind, was a tiny incident that happened pre-show....
I overheard a couple fans discussing the band lineup, and I couldn't help but listen. (I like to eavesdrop. People are interesting. Don't judge me.) But their conversation was pretty awesome:
One girl was telling the other of her epic struggle to get into the show that night. She had just enough money to buy a ticket, but forgot about the parking fee. She was stranded outside in the lot, in the boonies...by herself. After calling nearly everyone she could think of, she finally dialed the lead singer of TBS, Moi.
And he dropped everything to go find her, walk her inside, and buy her a ticket.
Dang. That's decent.
Of all the people at that show, he was probably the busiest: getting pulled in a million different directions. Taking pictures, signing autographs, planning the set...He was headlining a fucking theater for crying out loud! But he took the time to trek out in the parking lot and help.
He didn't make a big deal out of it. I'm sure neither one of them knew it would end up in my stupid blog.
But it's the little things mean the most. And no matter what, you can never be too busy for a fan.
I am now even MORE proud that Saint Rocke chose TBS to headline our huge NYE show this year.
Not only are they amazing entertainers who know how to party, but they are down-to-earth and love their fans more than anything.
God bless em. Let's rage.
Love always,
www.saintrocke.com. Grab your tix now or miss our biggest event of the year.
2 words: OPEN. BAR.