So not sure if you've heard, but we partnered with the Mamma D's crew to open ROCKE SUSHI KITCHEN, down in Hermosa, at the old Club Sushi spot. I've been building and designing the restaurant, and tonight I have to go down to the City Council to plead with them to allow us to fix a mistake that was in our city documents when we bought it. I thought this would be an interesting topic, because when we opened Saint Rocke, we went through the gammet of the City, with the naysayers telling us that we were too loud, we couldn't operate, etc.etc. If you look at the door at the back of Saint Rocke, at the behest of one city council member, I had to put in a door that costs $9,000. FOR ONE DOOR!! It is made for an airplane, just so no sound could potentially leak out. Now Im not being politically charged here, but as this blog is about owning a venue, those potential venue owners beware....know the city, know the politicians, and konw what you're getting yourself into before you dive in. It's half the battle. And by the way, a bad economy doesn't do much on the scale of weighing into their decisions. So, check us out on cable tonight, and hopefully we'll make it through so we can serve you some sushi.
so, how did it go?
Well, we're glad you produced a fine venue in that of Saint Rocke. Top notch! Also, looking fwd to Rocke Sushi. I'd like to make a small request: Can you make sure Guinness is served? PLEASE!!?? Club Sushi was the ONLY sushi establishment i ever went to that served Guinness...and for that i was a loyal patron! Thanks in advance! -mike naylor
City went well - we have some solid councilmen right now. Another issue has arisen, that I'll be writing about soon in the next day or so.
You should just become a council member--problem solved forever
Hire me hire me! lol Ok fine, either way I will be bringing people in just as I do to Saint Rocke and we will love you just the same.
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