So, I know I like doing this more than people like reading it, but I hopefully some people do actually read this - and if you do, got some special news. We are going to be filming live, with the streaming platform I talked about earlier, on January 12 and closing to the public, and the band that we are streaming is XXXXXX. I cant tell anybody who the band is, and there are all sorts of people that would squash the little venue owner, but I do get a few names on the list to add (they get 90% of the list) - by the way, thats called having leverage in a situation. Anyway, if you'd like to come, email me at asanfy@aol.com and put the code BLOG in the message header, and I will give my tickets away until I dont have anymore. One thing though - and i wont be able to check so we're on honor system - forward my blog to your friends. See if they think its interesting. Alright then. Off to the Cirque show in Santa Monica.
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Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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