There is this thing in small business that can be at times devastating, but at times the most amazing feeling there is. Its called momentum. With what I do, we have ideas floating around daily like flies in the office; we swat them around, some allude our criticism, some die by our critical hand. But in the end, there are always 1 or 2 left in the window sill, waiting for the window open so that they may be free to fly into the world. One such 'fly' in my office is the iROCKe streaming platform, which I have been trying to develop for close to a year. Like the article in the Easy Reader said, I've been trying to break down the walls of Saint Rocke - imagine our little old brick building being as big as the coliseum. Well, for the Rebelution show, it was. 133,000 people virtually in Saint Rocke. And so now the momentum has shifted and that rock that Sisyphus was pushing up the hill finally made to to the top...and for those reading, we all get to enjoy. In April we start our series officially, and the first band that just confirmed is NOFX. Now you guys might think, ok, pretty cool. But if you know the music business, for a band like NOFX to play Saint Rocke is like the LA Dodgers playing a game at Torrance High (no offense Saint Rocke, no offense Torrance). Saufua if you're reading this you're laughing. Chris is my good friend from the flatlands. Anyway, NOFX draws shows of 2000-3000 people, and they are playing a venue of 290. Hence momentum swing. In addition, we have Jim Lindbergh (former Pennywise singer) and our local favorite Colleen (pickupchick.com) hosting the show. And guess what, I got tickets for my blog readers. You guys were part of the negotiation. So, pretty soon you're going to see promo for 8 shows in April /May with bands that you would never think would play the South Bay. And on this little private blog here, we're all gonna hook it up and see some amazing shows. and we're going to see them free. thanks for reading, and go shift some momentum your way. aj.s
Alan, I'm not a huge blog reader but somehow ended up here from SR site, and I've now spent the last almost hour reading it (bad choice when trying to work). So super kudos for being this much cooler :) your writing is fantastico. Take care, Sara
Thanks Sara. Much appreciated. When do we get to see you again at the Rocke?
I can't wait for the update on the shows. lol awww Saufua, where is he at these days? I miss the old stomping grounds with all you guys at Molloys. Where is Macias?
Left the sterile confines of Newport Beach last month to see Tribal Seeds at your bar. I'd seen them before, so I knew they'd be good, but hadn't been to your place. I was stoked that it was full of cool people, and a cool vibe. Thanks for providing a much needed service! The venue owner info in your blog is of interest to me as well, as I've often thought of that profession. Much future success to you.
Alan, My girl & I are freaking out that NOFX is playing St.Rocke. Must admit we were worried when the venue changed, but after going to some shows we are stoked on the place. I live down the street & my mom & grandma used to hangout there, so the place is dear to me. Good to tell my mom, & you, that the place is great. Thanks.So how does one get tix to the NOFX gig?
We'll keep checking back
seriously..NOFX?!!! I am beyond stoked. Can't wait to hear how to get tickets!
I never blogged, dont know if i am now, all I know is i would like NOFX tix!!!!!!!!pleeez
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