I've had enough. I've tried to play it cool, play the rules, listen to their ad calls about why I should pay Yelp to help me even though people take shots all day...well, you know what? Screw YELP. Screw you YELP, the creator of YELP, and all of you people that hammer down on small business owners everyday. You guys blow; you are what the world does NOT need more of - negative people that slam others, with no offers or suggestions on how to improve. Pretty rad. Go USA. And then you have the nuts to call me and ask me advertise on your site? As they say in Strange Brew, "take off eh".
At the bottom of the USA economy is the small business owner. We're the donkeys. We employ the people, get hammered by the state and Fed over taxes, have insanely unfair labor rules (did you know we can't even fire people that steal?), and pretty much get bent over by everybody (note: see new healthcare bill. who is carrying that load? small business). Still, that being said, we happily oblige because only here in our country can you start something from nothing and make a living doing what you love. So we say, cool, some for you, some for him, some for her, and the little snibbets that are left go in our pocket.
And we work tirelessly to make our businesses cool (at least I know I do, and my partners do). We work all night, we basically talk business all the time (wives and girlfriends can attest to that), and our work pretty much becomes a part of our identity. Take the ROCKE for example. If you know me, and you've been to Saint Rocke, you know my soul is on the wall. I had a tool belt on when we built that place, and I know where every plumbing, electrical, data, and sound line is in that building. I spent all night (2nd note: when i saw all night, i mean all night, like 11pm-8a because we're open the other hours) before NOFX rewiring our entire lighting rig just to be sure that it would look sick. And I do that because I love to. But occasionally we screw up - some food comes out wrong, servers screw up, we screw up. It happens. It happens to all of us. When is the last time you messed something up? thought so. we're human.
And then I go to YELP, and I see this goddamn people YELPING all day about this and that - too expensive, too salty, they didnt tell me happy hour lasted only till 7, free this, free that. And well, I've been YELPED out. We own Saint Rocke, the Union Cattle Co, and now Ocean Bar. And they aren't perfect, but I think they are pretty fucking cool, and if they are not, give us some suggestions to make them better, which I truly mean (my email is asanfy@aol.com). But imagine a stranger slamming your job, or your efforts, and giving no good feedback. It sucks, and so therefore, YELP sucks. YELP in a nutshell: an internet nerd got a community of people whose mantra screams "misery loves company" and is making a ton of money off people who actually think that YELP is unbiased. Right. Sit in on a sales call they make...you'll see.
So here is my plea.
If you YELP - take the Y out add an H. HELP. help businesses be better.
If you dont YELP - dont start. does this really make anybody, or the world better? nope.
and if you want to, join me in going onto yelp and fighting back. gloves off baby. you slam me, i slam you. im just one small business owner, but im over it.
You think Im off base?
Amen Allen
dear sainte rocke
I agree with you. its not fair. I yelp because I honestly want to share how I feel about businesses. I've been meaning to write a sick review of the rocke. for years passing by and never stopping I felt I had missed out. no need to go anywhere else these days. some reviewers on Yelp nitpick about the smallest stuff. geez. I've never had a bad experience. don't let the haters get you down. I'm going to do the best in my power to see you thrive. I've already had friends from other cities come out and they've all loved it. We are gonna keep supporting you and weather the BS with you as well. Keep doing what you love and thank you for always welcoming us. We appreciate your hard work as well as your staff. I live in Redondo Beach and the Rocke, I Love. I've been to your Cattle Ranch a few times for work events you've catered for us. We loved the professionalism and attention to detail. Yelp will hear from me. I fight fire with fire. Much Love.
dear sainte rocke
I agree with you. its not fair. I yelp because I honestly want to share how I feel about businesses. I've been meaning to write a sick review of the rocke. for years passing by and never stopping I felt I had missed out. no need to go anywhere else these days. some reviewers on Yelp nitpick about the smallest stuff. geez. I've never had a bad experience. don't let the haters get you down. I'm going to do the best in my power to see you thrive. I've already had friends from other cities come out and they've all loved it. We are gonna keep supporting you and weather the BS with you as well. Keep doing what you love and thank you for always welcoming us. We appreciate your hard work as well as your staff. I live in Redondo Beach and the Rocke, I Love. I've been to your Cattle Company a few times for work events you've catered for us. We loved the professionalism and attention to detail. Yelp will hear from me. I fight fire with fire. Much Love. (the above comment is mine -- dont know why it didnt log me in!) <3
I stumbled upon the Rocke quite by accident a little over a year ago. I had literally moved to the South Bay days earlier and was driving by when I saw the Melodians playing that night on the Marquee. I stopped at an instant, wandered in and discovered the live music venue that I've created in my mind many nights. Intimate and comfortable. Months later, once again just driving by, I see William Elliott Whitmore on the bill. Once again, I stop and mosey on in. I can't imagine what I would have done had I missed that show. While still unknown to many, WEW is one of today's greatest songwriters in my mind and here he was at this fantastic little venue in Hermosa Beach that feels like someone's living room. In the last few days I have been lucky enough to see both Pato Banton and Toots at SR and once again, I left inspired. I can honestly say I've never experienced bad service or had issues with the price or quality of the drinks or food. $2.00 Primos on Thursdays and live reggae??? I dare anyone to find an issue with that. I've spent my career in sales and customer service and my mother was a waitress growing up so service is a big deal to me and I quickly recognize if it's lacking. I have not been to UCC, but have visited Ocean Bar and will say that I was disappointed with the service I received there. That being said, it was opening night and I expected it. I didn't run and Yelp, I know that the same people responsible for SR, surely have the right recipe and I'm certain after a few weeks Ocean will be the outdoor venue that we've been looking for in the South Bay. I plan on heading back there soon. So, thank you Allen and SR for bringing the best artist to my backyard.
I have never been at the Sainte Rocke, (I just move to LA)
But just for reading the first time that I get a chance I'm going to go for sure!!!!
Saw your post via @nrek. As someone who loves to write Yelp reviews (http://jennyjenjen.yelp.com/), but does it with a conscience, I totally see your point of view and I agree with you. My reviews tend to support small businesses who treat their customers well and do what they need to do for their business while balancing customer service and their needs. And I tend to slam chains, because the little guys just don't have enough advocates anymore.
It'll come back to Yelp someday. And it already does. I believe in karma.
"gloves off baby. you slam me, i slam you." (is it weird that that line turned me on?) anyway, go down swinging. always.
Totally hooked you up! Saint Rocke ROCKS!!! :)
I have never been to Saint Rocke but have head many good things about your place. Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping the music alive in the South Bay.
I've got your back for sure. I've seen Julian Marley and John West there and LOVED both shows, as well as the venue itself! Awesome place that's down the street from my house which I also love. So keep on keeping on! You've got a great thing going and there are plenty of people who know it so remember that! I'll be sticking that to yelp:)
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