Everybody knows what I did. It's no secret. Fight fire with fire (which if you think about doesnt make sense, you should fight fire with water). But anyway, I hate YELP, dislike the negativity of the YELP community, and so with this private show, thought hey, why not try something out. What I thought I'd get were some unthoughtful quick replies on Yelp about Saint Rocke being cool, yah, yah,yah. But really, some of the responses you posted honestly gave me chills, and reinforced the reason I do this - to have a place where people love seeing live music, free and clear. And so thank you for those of you that made an effort to let people know that we're trying hard, and that we're in some way helping music live down here. Really Really Appreciate it. And all you that did that, rest assured, Im emptying my inbox tomorrow and you got your tickets, and we're going to party on Wednesday for sure. I personally love this band/guy, as he just imbibes what Saint Rocke is about. For those of you that don't know the play, if you REALLY ACTUALLY LIKE what we're doing at Saint Rocke, I ask that you tell the world how you feel on YELP.com and I will reward your work with 2 free tix to the secret show next wednesday. And by the way, did anybody see the YELPER who freaked out at gave us 1 star because she read the blog? really? you actually missed out on a great show - but we'll all have fun for you. later.
After moving from Phoenix and having seen many great shows in smaller clubs ( the clubhouse, Chasers, Joe's Grotto, Bostons, Jugheads, just to name a few) its great to have found a spot so close and in the same style as these great venues is awesome. Keep up the good work!!!
I love Saint Rocke and have had some incredibly fun musical & social nights there. That being said, please don't cross the line of paying for positive reviews. Yelp may be a negative community, but that doesn't make it right to offer rewards to users who write only positive reviews. You can try to justify it any way you wish, but in the end you're paying for reviews you wouldn't normally get which is incredibly wrong. It really reduces your credibility. I wouldn't mind post after post asking users to write positive reviews, and I would definitely consider writing one myself, but not when there's a reward involved. Thanks for listening.
Well I already posted a commented earlier analog man and I meant every word of it. I love Saint Rocke. You have a great happy hour and it's a great atmosphere to meet people and hang out with friends.
Can't wait to see your wednesday surprise and all the other upcoming shows!! :)
Just posted the comment I left on your original anti-Yelp blog on Yelp. Hopefully that's cool. Keep it up.
Posted a review on yelp, 5 stars of course!!! I will see you guys tomorrow to watch the NBA finals. Happy Hour can't come any faster :) Thanks again!
Boom! Please and thank you thank you thank you!
-Tyler Critelli
Honest Thank you's are the best! For those of us who posted a review on Yelp, are we suppose to get an email for the secret show June 9th?
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