Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Do I write this Goddamn Blog anyway?

What an interesting session last week - I wrote the blog about this girl I know, her texting, etc.etc. If you don't know, read the last post and then this begins to make sense. If you all are getting to know me on paper, you'll know that I fancy myself to be somewhat intuitive, and I have a great interest in social white elephants (def. something we all know to be true (ex. alterior motives), but that for some reason nobody either has the confident to, or cares to mention. And although I had my opinion already, I started thinking, well shit, Im 33, all my friends are married, I'm not, I'm terrible at relationships....maybe I'm wrong? And so I wrote last week's post, different from my usual humdrum-music-business-this-is-the-real-info-on-what-its-like-blog. Switch it up, right?

Now stop, and go read the comments to the post. Wow. Now I love comments, the more the merrier, so thank you for posting your opinion. But, I learned two things along the way through these comments: (1) I'm obstinate, and I haven't changed my view. Very simple: if I'm in love, have girlfriend or wife, I will never ever text or call an ex. Never. And I'll go a step further - when I'm married, I will not be friends with ex-girlfriends, because I don't see the need/reason. So all this about wanting to just, don't buy it. I just can't see that.I think you that say that are perpetuating the white elephant sickness. And thanks to my boy who stuck up for me as well - always nice to have some testosterone in the room, even though I don' think she had any desire to actually play the venue.  Rather, it served as a good departure point from which to start dialogue.

The second thing I learned is that writing this blog is actually pretty fun. I have always been extremely personal, and still am. But throughout my life, I've seen that people always get it wrong, make up stories, and fill in blanks where information is lacking. And with me, there is no information , so there is alot of mad-libbing going on. This has been a fun, business-friendly way to share my opinions, only to those who want to hear, and also inject some of that fun awkardness into my life knowing that Im sharing with strangers (that hair-on-back-standing-up-feeling). I know I'm not Hawthorne; hell not even Abby. But I'm me, and thats plenty.

So, next week, probably back to music as we have some unbelievably cool shit happening at Saint Rocke..most notable this week of which we were approved for a 5 year contract to produce the Summer Concerts in Hermosa Beach. Mark my words - don't miss the first show next year. It will be unannounced, and it will seem like a "nothing" show. It won't be. Stay tuned...


P said...

Awesome shows and YOU ROCK for saving them!! Chills as we walked up to hear my fav Jack Johnson playing on the beach before the first show. Rock on and enjoy the haters, it's them hating and judging themselves really--nothing to do with YOU!!

gerilyn said...

I totally agreed with your post last week. Why share something so personal & intimate (music) with someone you aren't personal & intimate with. I think that it's strange that she would ask. It was all about her I think. If it felt right you would have done it. You were not a butthead!

Anonymous said...

If it was ment to be then it would have already happened... But she's with someone new and you need to exept that. Think it's time for you to move on too and form good memories with someone new! Just open yourself up a bit, you've got nothing to loose said...

I love your blog, just got turned onto your club with Amos Lee(not that I was fortunate enough to get tickets) and now I've been on your site everyday! This place looks awesome! My husband and I love music and hate huge venues where you feel absolutely no connection to the artist you just paid so goddam much to see!!! We'll be up tomorrow night, hoping to find tickets to buy, and enjoying happy hour with our fingers crossed :) Maybe we'll get a chance to meet you.-Jen Carter