Last Weekend..Mammoth....1.5 days....epic. Solid snow, solid friends, blue skies, and aside from my tired quads, just a great trip. Good to get away from the bar business for a weekend. That being said, went to some restaurants up there - and I'd have to say - pretty average. But like crooked police, I never name bad restaurants. Its the brotherhood. But I digress.
So I'm driving the drive home from Mammoth, with a friend I've know for 25 years, and we're talking...what else...women. And we get into the "age" conversation. And we start talking about honesty, and how (now dont get all pissed off - read through it) women almost force men to play games in a way. Let me explain. Most men are super straight-forward with what they want - but if they are too straightforward, women (especially younger) don't like it. They like the bad boy, the non-communicator, the guy that doesn't call 'em back, or that waits 6 hours before a text back. But see, guys know this. So instead of do what they are feeling, they instead are forced to play the manipulative role in order to keep it going - to keep her interested and on the edge of her seat. Now I call bullshit on this, because I try to be as honest as possible, even if it hurts. Doesnt mean I succeed all the time, but I try. So my friend, who is back in the fishpond after a 10 year hiatus asks me....
"Well what the F do I do then? Be honest and lose, or play the game and win?"
GD, thats a hard question.
The solution? Don't be afraid of dating women your own age...those are the women that actually want (and reciprocate with) a straightforward approach.
The girl who likes the bad boy who waits six hours to reply to a text is the girl you don't want to be with. A smart girl with a lot going for her likes to be courted after. Stick to the basics, no games. There’s too many fish in the sea :-)
This post is ironically timely... just last night i had a discussion w/ friends that there seems to be a new reversal of roles, where men are the new women (emotional, over analyze, and yes, play games)... bottom line, you and your buddy who is back in the game just haven't met the right chick... that simple, not hard at all
Good fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
I stumbled upon your blog by accident. A friend invited me to see a show at your venue and I went online to check out the place. Then, I saw this blog and started reading. I have one thing to say about your latest post.I would say that I am a pretty mature woman for my age (early twenties) and after dating guys my age, I really appreciate guys in their thirties who seem to have it together more and actually have a career or as in your case, their own business. I think it is true that women mature faster than men, and my friends and I have recently commented that for us mature types in our early twenties, guys in their thirties seem the perfect match. The problem is that I have noticed that whenever I do meet or start talking to these types of guys, everything goes well until they ask my age and I reveal it. I think guys that are looking for more serious relationships often think that women my age just wanna have fun and play games. While that may be true of some women in this age group, it is by no means true for every woman, so my advice to guys like you and your friend would be to cut the bs and be honest about what you want. We can handle it.
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