If I were religious, I would throw out an academy award "thank you jesus" while pointing towards the sky (and I would say it really fast). But alas..
A recap of a kick ass week:
1. Close friend got married. I was in wedding. Saw my old friends, and got super nostalgic. My most sarcastic friend (whats up Peter) found about this blog. I took alot of shit for it. I did the old "good for business" response to deflect. nice speech by the way.
2. I finished building a new bar at Union Cattle Co. 2 nights of no sleep, 4 days of construction, 15 subs helping, and a ton of coffee. check it out. its sick - and we're doing the whole restaurant in 20 days. by the way, building a venue/restaurant is like building a house on crack. we can't close for very long, so we work all night long. just so all you all can drink in a disneyland looking adult place.
3. TOOTS AND THE MAYTALS confirmed at Saint Rocke 5/15. Holy shit. 5546, pressure drop, and the list goes on. if you have ever listened to reggae music, this guy is up there with bob marley. seriously. this show at saint rocke will be RETARDED.
4. NOFX confirmed 4/19. Scared for my venue. Take it easy on us Fat Mike. But so excited. Another band I grew up, skating & surfing pre-music. This show is PRIVATE. I have tickets though for my online crew - so hit me up. respond to the blog and we'll hook it up. This is with HavocTV, some guys from Manhattan that grew up local and went to Costa. They are doing some really cool stuff over at www.havoc.tv
5. SHOW ON 4/20. Can't tell. But late on 4/19 after the NOFX show, we start loading in at 2am, for our next show which will be at 7am. more to follow. definitely follow this.
6. HAD A GREAT DINNER & TALK. Sounds basic right? But think about it. when is the last time you had dinner (grilled salmon i made, bomb), a glass of wine, a good 75F sunset, with a lovely lady, and had a GREAT CONVERSATION. I tend to talk too much as it is, but I don't think she minded. She's a friend of mine, and it's plutonic, but damn, these days those day are rare.
7. DOGS GOT WASHED. The stinkin dogs. Finally got them washed. thats why this is #7. You're thinking who cares.
8. Figured out concept for upstairs UCC. I am separating union cattle into two places. the upstairs is going to be called OCEAN BAR. YOU LIKE?
And that my friends, is a kickass week. Finally. Was wondering when karma would hook a brother up.
Nice week, Analog Man!
My wife loves the upstairs at UCC. Can't wait to take her there to see the new layout! I asked the 8-Ball if she will like it. Answer: Without a doubt.
Is this how I "respond to this blog" to request NOFX tickets?
Hey, seen so many good shows at st rocke and had some pretty good happy hours. Seeing nofx there would be something to talk about for ages. How can we get tickets?!
I sure as hell hope this NOFX news isn't an April Fool's joke! I was asking the waitress last Friday if there was a date booked yet and she said hopefully in April. Would love some info on how to get some tickets!! Hook me up!
Dude, this better not be an april fools joke! If not, hook me up!!!
Hook a brother up with a couple of tix!
Dude, i want in...and ditto about this being an april fools joke, not cool.
I've been a huge fan of NOFX for over 15 years. I would love to see them at St. Rock. Please hook me up with some tickets! Thanks!
Here is my email address just in case: laws1313@gmail.com
Thanx!!! I really wanna see Nofx!!!
I have been a fan of NOFX for about 12 years since I saw them my Freshman year in High School (Mira Costa 02). I would love to see them at Saint Rock (great venue). afiboarderchick@yahoo.com
Yes Please to NOFX and I look forward to Toots. I can not stand surprises, but as always I will stay tuned for the 420 gig. :) xo Glad you are doing big and great things. Best wishes for continued success. I will continue to whore you out. lol erin.
Cheers to a stellar week. The upstairs of UCC is one of my most cherished spots in Hermosa--maybe even the south bay. Ocean Bar is good but the space is deserving of some creativity in the name department. Only giving my opinion because you asked :) Maybe just a wave/symbol as a homage to Prince? j/k...kinda.
All the best to you. Keep on rockin in the free world.
sainte rocke is so cool! glad there's a great venue in the south bay!! i live just blocks away and it's super convenient... being a northern cal native, i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to support and be there for the NOFX show! how would one be able to get a pair of tix? :)
Hey Analog Man
My Girlfriend & I are still freaking out that NOFX is playing at Saint Rocke. Actually it's real cool that Toots is playing there too. Won't miss it. Im officially hitting you up for the NOFX gig. I'll sweep the parking lot, empty ashtrays, whatever it takes bro.My email is dmp10ftface@live.com THANKS
My wife and i would love to see nofx at our favorite local spot! It would be sweeet. 2 tix please!
seen Trainwreck twice, NOFX would be SWEEEEEEET!!! please send me 2
super stoked on this 4/20 show!!!!!!!
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